
Edité par Vintage - 2024

Type de document
Descr. physique
1 vol. (136 p.) ; 1 carte, couv. ill. en coul. ; 20 cm
Note générale
  • Précédemment publié en 2023 chez Jonathan Cape (édition reliée)
1er mention de responsabilité
  • Samantha Harvey
Adresse bibliographique
  • London
  • 2024
  • "Six astronauts rotate in their spacecraft above the Earth. They are there to collect meteorological data, conduct scientific experiments and test the limits of the human body. But mostly they observe. Together they watch their silent blue planet, circling it sixteen times, spinning past continents and cycling through seasons, taking in glaciers and deserts, the peaks of mountains and the swells of oceans. Endless shows of spectacular beauty witnessed in a single day. Yet although separated from the world they cannot escape its constant pull. News reaches them of the death of a mother, and with it comes thoughts of returning home. They look on as a typhoon gathers over an island and people they love, in awe of its magnificence and fearful of its destruction. The fragility of human life fills their conversations, their fears, their dreams. So far from Earth, they have never felt more part - or protective - of it."


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